September 2024

Sudan—Overlooked by the World but Not by God

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. JAMES 1:27

The Three Core Values of CRM are:

  1. Providing God’s Word
  2. Meeting the holistic needs of the suffering,
  3. Collaborating with like-minded ministries in the massive task of empowering gospel movements among the world’s least reached peoples.

Recently, CRM received grants from Send Relief and the Shai Fund that provided funds for our Darfurian partners to feed over 7,000 starving and displaced Sudanese men, women, and children comprising 900 families. Reports from the boots-on-the-ground leaders overseeing the purchase and distribution of the foodstuffs confirm that the food arrived just in time to save the lives of hundreds of children.

Among the foodstuffs bought with the funds granted by the Shai Fund are millet, sugar, salt, and cooking oil. The millet is boiled until it thickens. They add a small amount of potassium to give it the yellow color. The children are fed this staple food of the region.

But there’s more. Another like-minded organization recently granted CRM enough funds to pay for 2,500 Bibles. At the same time, a bookseller with a heart for the Gospel, who had 5,000 Bibles in stock, allowed our Darfurian partners to take possession of all 5,000 Bibles for distribution in the Jebel Marra region of Darfur—even though CRM only had the funds to pay for half of them. The bookseller released all the Bibles, trusting that CRM will pay him $21,500 for the other 2,500 Bibles.

But there’s even more. Every year since 2016, In Touch with Charles Stanley has given CRM 400 Messenger solar powered audio Bible players. Recently, In Touch sent CRM another 150 Messengers recorded in Sudanese Arabic to distribute in Darfur. And starting next year, In Touch will increase its Messenger donation to 600 units. Why? Because In Touch sees the huge impact the Messengers have made in the lives of people who are hungry for the Word, but because of limited literacy, can only listen to it.

These granting organizations are glad to partner with CRM because they do not know of any other ministry with a supply chain into Darfur providing God’s Word and food relief to the people. As a result, Muslims are coming in droves to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. It’s unprecedented. But CRM is in this position only because of your prayers and generosity, and the brave, passionate commitment of its boots-on-the-ground partners.

The war in Sudan is far from over. Much remains to be done. God will continue to open doors for making Christ known. And we want to be ready to respond.

Your prayers and financial gifts are needed now more than ever. It’s time to double down. Please pray about giving sacrificially as we approach the end of the year. If our boots-on-the-ground partners are willing to risk their lives for the Gospel, it’s the least we can do.

David Crane,
President, Calvary Road Ministries