Empowering self-sustaining gospel movements among least-reached people groups of North and East Africa.

What We Do
Since 1998, Calvary Road Ministries has carried out the Great Commission by utilizing oral strategies to evangelize, disciple, and develop Christian leaders in North and East Africa.
Our mission is to empower self-sustaining gospel movements among least-reached people groups. Our principal focus is equipping Sudanese refugees in camps in Kenya, South Sudan, and Uganda, so they may take the gospel back to their homeland when they return.
But CRM also ministers to displaced people groups within Sudan. This is a unique time in history. Sudanese Muslims are accepting Christ by the thousands. CRM has developed one of the few supply chains into Darfur, delivering lifesaving foodstuffs, Bibles, and solar powered digital ministry resources in the middle of a violent civil war. As a result, over 600,000 Muslims have heard the gospel for the first time in 2024 alone.
From the plains of Kilimanjaro to war-torn Sudan to North and East Africa refugee camps, CRM’s evangelism, discipleship, and humanitarian ministries confirm that all things are possible with God through Jesus Christ. Join us on a journey of obedience to the Great Commission by giving, going, or praying. The fields are white for harvest and there is much work to be done.
Your donation transforms the world, one life at a time.
Your support is a beacon of hope for North and East Africa. With every donation, you become part of a movement that reaches thousands with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A gift of just $50 can purchase eight Bibles potentially impacting 160 people. A gift of $100 can buy enough food to support five refugee families for a month. A gift of $500 can purchase 55 Story Cloths and 10 projectors and provide the means to reach ten villages. And a gift of $1,000 can provide the resources to reach 20 villages with the gospel.