
Testimonies of the Huge Impact the
Recently Delivered Bibles Are Making in Darfur

It has been three months since our Darfurian partners distributed 3000 copy of Bibles, and many other evangelical materials such as SD cards, Messengers, Radios, Proclaimers, and projectors in Darfur. All these materials, combined with the great efforts that leaders on the ground are making, are having a great impact as you can read from their testimonies.

Mohamed…said, “it was bad for people to live without the Word of God in their hand, because we saw that after God’s Word became available in the hands of people, they read and heard and shared God’s Word.  Within three months, we recorded 1,500 people who verbally announced their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This large number of people would never have heard the gospel and understood their lostness without having the Word of God in their hands.”  He said “we thank God for everyone standing with us to provide for our community to have God’s Word in their hand”

HL, is pastoring in B... He said, “this is the first time for me to see great change and see this huge number of people coming to faith in Jesus Christ. In the last three months within my territory there are over 80 people accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. This was not going to happen without the provision of the Bibles in the hands of people. I am so grateful for your support of our community with the Word of God.”

Like B..., who is now leading the Church in R… said, “Darfur could have been completely changed if the word of God had been available in the hands of people. Because in the three months since the Bibles were distributed, though they are not completely matching with the number of people needing a Bible, significant change is taking place. With the few Bibles we got, 227 people accepted Jesus Christ, over 2000 people heard the Word of God, and more than 5000 people just saw the Bible itself for the first time in their lives. I am so grateful for the gift of Bibles. We need Bibles to change our country.”

Pastor Aw.. said “I didn’t know that Bibles have this power to move the darkness so quickly that 138 will come to know Jesus just by reading the Bible for themselves. I am praying for more Bibles to be available to our people, because if the few bibles we got can change this number just within 3 months, then I believe if we have enough Bibles to give out according to the need of people, the situation will change in our country.”

Za.. is an old women who has never gone to school. She only heard the Word of God through a Messenger (MP3 player). One day she was sick and admitted to the local hospital.  While she was there, she always put her Messenger on and listened.  She said, “whenever my Messenger is on, reading for us all the Word of God, it silenced the dorm completely. Sick people, nurses, even medical personnel who were attending to us, they were listing so attentively. One women came up to me and asked me “what is this you are using?”  I told her “it is called Messenger but it’s like a teacher to me who is teaching me God’s word.”  She asked, “can I get one?” I told her “it was given to me but I will ask the people who gave me one to look for you.” The woman said “please, this small radio has been the reason of my healing in this room.  When you came here, you found me after I had stayed here for three months. I never had peace like the day you came here and played this radio to recite God’s sweet words for us.  It has been the reason for my relief.  Please get me one, for I am sure it will help people in my village.” I saw it was true with almost everyone in that room. I realized the reason the people in our country are ignorant of God is because his words have never reached the people. Please pray and support us with more.”

AM, the leader in J… said “it was the presence of a Bible in my room that converted my father who was really hating me because of my faith.” AM said “my father knew that I was a Christian and he was really hating me and didn’t want to eat with me or even sit where I sat. He told me several times to leave his home and go out because I am Christian. One day, when I was not at home, my father entered my room. God directed him to go to my Bible. When he saw the Bible, as hesitant as he was, he took courage to pick the Bible and read for himself. As he opened the Bible, God took him to Psalms 1. He read through the whole chapter. He sat down and read the whole chapter again. My father started crying as he realized his lostness, and the way he was hating me. He took the Bible to his room and began sharing the same chapter of Psalms with my mother. Both waited until I returned home, and as usual when I returned home, I didn’t make any alarms because I know my father is not happy with me. But this time when I came back home, I found the situation very different. My father came to me and as he tried to hug me, I wanted to jump because I worried that he may harm me. But he said, “come to me my son.  Please forgive me for my ignorance of God and His words, for today I learned that you are not gone astray, but you followed the true God whom we all need to follow.” When he said that, I was very happy, but struggled to believe this was my father. I asked “what happened?” And he said, “God took me to your room today and I found your Bible and I read it. I found that Bible tells us not to sit in council of wicked.”  I thank God, for providing me the Bible that changed my father and my mother. Later, with the same chapter, my father changed our family at large,” AM added, “since we received the Bibles, we have recorded 713 people who accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and 80% are from my extended family.”

A certain Christian school teacher is known as “Teacher Film” because he uses a projector for showing Jesus Film.  He said “it always take 2 hours for me to share the entire gospel with above 100 people and the children of the village. I have seen not only people watching the Jesus Film, but also people memorizing the whole history of salvation. My projector has been the driving force that takes away the darkness in the villages where I show the Jesus Film. I am so glad and appreciate people who help us with what we need to share God’s word with our people.”

Teacher M.., is teaching in one of the school in _____. He got a large size Proclaimer.  He said “this Proclaimer has changed the face of the school even the manner of the teachers. It has become the teacher to the teachers, both Muslims and Christians. It has overcome all debates that were ongoing at various times and in different places as we sit with people. I am not getting enough time to myself unless I give out the Proclaimer to someone else.  People are so enjoying listening to the Word of God.  I witnessed 5 devout Muslim friends who were really opposing me in the school give their lives to Christ.” M… said, “we need Proclaimers for the teachers because one can reach everyone in a whole school.”

So many encouraging stories from the ground, showing me that Our Lord is doing so well with materials taken there.  But the fact is, we need to pray for more materials like Bibles, SD cards, Messengers, Proclaimers, and other evangelical materials. Because people in our country need access to the word of God.


Way forward:

1. Because of the rapid multiplication of people converted from Islam to Christianity, discipleship leaders need training to follow up with new coverts. They need to help them grow in their walk with Christ. Such rapid growth is always followed by great persecution.  This means we need to send two trained leaders from ____ to ___ and train discipleship leaders to enable them to follow up the new converts.

2. We need to provide more Bibles to JM.

3. We need to continue training more leaders to address the huge need of prepared leaders who can lead the rapidly growing churches to greater maturity.  With prepared leadership, the existing churches will keep this movement going in a healthy manner.

Prayer requests:

1. We need to pray for God’s provision to buy more bible as we provide God’s word to Sudanese people in JM

2. Situation in Sudan it’s starving because of hunger. We need to pray for food provision for the communities in Darfur.

This is rainy season and most of the people are living either in the school compounds or in the mosques, because there is great migration. People continue to Migrate from the war zones to ___, mostly because ___ is the only safe place in Darfur. So, we are praying for mosquito nets, plastic sheets, and some clothes for the children.